iPhly: Radio Control From Your iPhone Review-用你的iPhone手机遥控飞机!
本帖最后由 joyrus 于 2011-11-18 19:13 编辑原图文链接:http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1524065
iPhly is a unique product that replaces your transmitter with your iPhone. It uses a typical attitude indicator display that responds to the accelerometer in the iPhone and transmits your hand movements through the iPhone and into your 2.4 GHz. Module. The iPhly is totally open source software with the wiring diagram provided on the website for anyone that wants to create their own version. The software is free, too, and is downloadable through iTunes app store.
iPhly是一个独特的产品,让你的iPhone手机代替遥控器。他使用一个飞行姿态显示器来反应iPhone内部的加速度计,并且通过你摆动iPhone得到控制信号传输到你的2.4G模块。iPhly是一款完全开源的软件包括线路图,通过网站提供给那些想自我创新的人。软件是免费的,可以通过iTunes在App Store上下载。
The iPhly hardware is a holder that uses a spring load clip to keep the iPhone in place. A stereo plug connects the iPhly to the phone. Not really too much here. A pin connector is on the back and is recessed to accept many 2.4 GHz modules. An antennae port is also provided if your 2.4 GHz system requires this setup.
Requires 4 AAA batteries 需要4颗AAA电池
Software available free on iTunes (6.2MB) 软件从iTuns上下载
Software has both airplane/heli and car mode 软件有飞机/直升机和车模式
Adjustable steering throw for cars 可调校车辆转向
End point adjustment (EPA) 终点调整
Reversible channels 通道反向
ABS plastic ABS塑料材质
Hardwae manufactured by RC4WD 硬件由RC4WD制造 iPhly的工作原理:http://www.iphly.org/index.php/how-it-works/
How it works
It‘s All in the Wrist
iPhly translates wrist motions into electrical signals that standard R/C modules can understand.
iPhly 把手腕动作转换为标准R/C遥控器可能够理解的电信号(PPM)
RF modules understand PPM (pulse position modulation) input. I generate PPM pules train as an audio wave form. The headphone jack is simply an electrical interface. If you get low enough into the audio hardware, you can generate almost any arbitrary signal out of it.
RF 模块接收PPM信号输入。我生成了像音频波形形式的PPM信号序列。简单的说一个耳机插口就是一个电子接口。如果你得到这样一个音频硬件,就可以生成几乎任何信号。
The iPhly case contains electronics that amplify and condition this signal, and feed it to a standard frequency module.
iPhly硬件盒中包含了信号放大和调整电路并发送到标准频率模块。 ASSEMBLY
To use the iPhly you only have to install the batteries and plug in your module. You can use an old iPhone without the sim card. Bind your module with the receiver and you are almost ready to fly. If you are using your current iPhone with a sim card turn on your airport mode or an incoming call will crash your plane.
使用iPhly只要装入电池,插入你的RF模块。你可以使用一部旧的iPhone,不需要安装sim卡。把模块绑定接收机(对码)就可以飞行了。如果你的iPhone正在使用,请打开飞行模式,否则来电将使你的飞机坠毁{:2_28:} 。
Once you turn on the iPhly and the module you will be asked to increase or decrease the volume. This is required because with the iPhly, “RF modules understand PPM (pulse position modulation) input. I generate PPM pulse train as an audio wave form. The headphone jack is simply an electrical interface. If you get low enough into the audio hardware, you can generate almost any arbitrary signal out of it. The iPhly case contains electronics that amplify and condition this signal, and feed it to a standard frequency module.”
The iPhly has an extensive setup for both planes and cars. You can configure each model, create a huge model list with a picture of each model you take with the iPhone, and globally you can make adjustments to the transmitter.
You have a separate setting screen that allows you to adjust the roll and pitch axis. This is really a way to get your hand to settle into what you think is level. For example, if when you hand the iPhly your hand tends to not really be level you can adjust the attitude indicator to think you are level. More or less this is a way to fit the iPhly to your hand and position of the hand. This is similar to setting the attitude indicator horizon in a real plane.
Touch screen sensitivity is also adjustable along with the return spring for the rudder. So you can move your thumb across the rudder and let go and the rudder will return to neutral.
触摸屏的敏感度也可以调整方向舵的回弹。因此你可以移动你的拇指从方向舵上离开,方向舵会回中。 本帖最后由 joyrus 于 2011-11-18 16:44 编辑
I highly recommend you select something that is easy to fly. The system is indeed intuitive, but those of us that have habits, might find it hard to grasp the hand tilting method. I set up an old plane and got about three quarters of the way around the pattern and nosed it in. I have no idea why, but one plane was enough to know I was not going to be a great iPhly pilot. It did work though.
The throttle operates with your thumb. The ESC arms just like usual. Slide your thumb up the screen to move the indicator bar and back down, and you are armed. The rudder also uses your thumb: slide back and forth to get the rudder into position. You can also slide the rudder and let go, and your setting will slowly return to neutral.
油门由你的拇指操控。调速器和往常一样。在屏幕上的指示器上,向上和下滑动你的拇指,来控制油门。方向舵也是使用你的手指来回滑动控制。你也可以滑动控制方向舵后放开,方向舵会慢慢回中。 GET HELP
You can easily hook up the iPhly to your buddy box system and have someone fly the plane to altitude and then learn the iPhly. I would believe the success rate is much improved over my experience. The system has a sort of trainer window, and you can see your hand movements without flying a plane or driving a car. I highly recommend this training procedure.
你可以把iPhly连接到buddy box system(应该是指朋友的遥控器),有人把飞机飞到高处时来学习用iPhly飞行(类似教练功能)。我相信这样做的成功率大大提高。iPhly有一个练习视窗,你可以不用真的飞行或者驾驶而看到你的手部动作。我极力推荐这个练习过程。