__EXPORT int map_projection_init_timestamped(struct map_projection_reference_s *ref, double lat_0, double lon_0, uint64_t timestamp) //lat_0, lon_0 are expected to be in correct format: -> 47.1234567 and not 471234567
/* home position */
orb_check(home_position_sub, &updated);
if (updated) {
orb_copy(ORB_ID(home_position), home_position_sub, &home);
if (home.timestamp != home_timestamp) {
home_timestamp = home.timestamp;
double est_lat, est_lon;
float est_alt;
if (ref_inited) {
/* calculate current estimated position in global frame */
est_alt = local_pos.ref_alt - local_pos.z;
map_projection_reproject(&ref, local_pos.x, local_pos.y, &est_lat, &est_lon);
void inertial_filter_correct(float e, float dt, float x[2], int i, float w)
if (isfinite(e) && isfinite(w) && isfinite(dt)) {
float ewdt = e * w * dt;
x += ewdt;