To use the iPhly you only have to install the batteries and plug in your module. You can use an old iPhone without the sim card. Bind your module with the receiver and you are almost ready to fly. If you are using your current iPhone with a sim card turn on your airport mode or an incoming call will crash your plane.
使用iPhly只要装入电池,插入你的RF模块。你可以使用一部旧的iPhone,不需要安装sim卡。把模块绑定接收机(对码)就可以飞行了。如果你的iPhone正在使用,请打开飞行模式,否则来电将使你的飞机坠毁 。
Once you turn on the iPhly and the module you will be asked to increase or decrease the volume. This is required because with the iPhly, “RF modules understand PPM (pulse position modulation) input. I generate PPM pulse train as an audio wave form. The headphone jack is simply an electrical interface. If you get low enough into the audio hardware, you can generate almost any arbitrary signal out of it. The iPhly case contains electronics that amplify and condition this signal, and feed it to a standard frequency module.”
The iPhly has an extensive setup for both planes and cars. You can configure each model, create a huge model list with a picture of each model you take with the iPhone, and globally you can make adjustments to the transmitter.
You have a separate setting screen that allows you to adjust the roll and pitch axis. This is really a way to get your hand to settle into what you think is level. For example, if when you hand the iPhly your hand tends to not really be level you can adjust the attitude indicator to think you are level. More or less this is a way to fit the iPhly to your hand and position of the hand. This is similar to setting the attitude indicator horizon in a real plane.
Touch screen sensitivity is also adjustable along with the return spring for the rudder. So you can move your thumb across the rudder and let go and the rudder will return to neutral.
触摸屏的敏感度也可以调整方向舵的回弹。因此你可以移动你的拇指从方向舵上离开,方向舵会回中。 |